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Address The Stigma Madhav Menon

One among the many hurdles women in India face on a daily basis,  stigma against menstruation is a prominent obstacle. While the stigma itself dates back hundreds of years ago, it’s becoming more and more prominent

Our First Webinar Ishita Desai

With the sudden surge in COVID-19 cases, doing groundwork became difficult. Reaching out and visiting the sanitation workers is a danger to both their health as well as ours. We originally focused more on tangible, hands-on

Impure Associations The Red Lotus

Francis Galton invented the word association test in the 1800s in an effort of investigating how word meanings are stored in our memories. It was used extensively by the Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung to uncover the

Taboos Surrounding Menstruation In India Shreya S Nair

The idea that whatever menstruators touch will be ruined is common, but why is something so natural seen as ‘impure’? The manifestation of menstrual taboo has been rooted in society until the date and has been

More Than Technology By Ishita Desai

Why your support is necessary and technology alone isn’t enough? In our local sanitation plant, the workers are provided with a piece of functioning machinery for the proper disposal of sanitary napkins in an eco-friendly manner.

Our First Project The Red Lotus

The Red Lotus is a project aimed at resolving the issue of improper disposal of menstrual waste. The picture in the post was taken by Atyantika, our co-founder and director, who visited the waste disposal facility